



Email: lqiu@cumt.edu.cn



2019.1 中国矿业大学材料物理学院教授

2016.3-2017.2 加拿大卡尔加里大学物理系访问学者

2013.9-2014.8 中国科学技术大学中国科学院量子信息重点实验室访问学者

2012.1-2018.12 中国矿业大学理学院副教授

2009.7-2011.12 中国矿业大学理学院讲师

2004.9-2009.6 中国科学技术大学物理学院理学博士

2000.9-2004.6 安徽师范大学物理与电子信息工程学院理学学士


(1) 《量子相干性在量子信息处理中的应用研究》(2020ZDPYMS03),中国矿业大学重大项目培育专项(面上),2020.1-2022.12;主持,在研

(2) 《量子关联在量子通信中的应用研究》(61401465),国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2015.1-2017.12;主持,结题。

(3) 《自旋链环境中量子失协的动力学演化研究》(2012QNA37),中国矿业大学基本科研业务费项目,2012.1-2014.12;主持,结题。

(4) 《多体纠缠及非局域性的应用与动力学研究》(11047129),国家自然科学基金专项基金,2011.1-2011.12主持,结题。

(5) 《量子操作远程和非局域实现》(2009A046)中国矿业大学青年科研基金,2010.1-2012.12主持,结题。

(6) 量子操作远程和非局域实现的应用研究》,中国矿业大学启航计划2009.11-2011.12主持,结题。

(7) 《量子纠缠特性和应用研究》,中国矿业大学人才引进科研启动基金,2009年起;主持,在研。

(8) <大学物理实验>教学模式的创新与研究》,中国矿业大学教学改革项目,2013.6-2015.6;主持,结题。


(1) G.H. Xue, L. Qiu. Recovering nonlocal advantage of quantum coherence by weak measurement reversal. Physica Scripta 95: 025101, 2020.

(2) G.H. Xue, L. Qiu, F. Pan. Quantum coherence of the spin-1 system under an XY spin chain with three-spin interaction. Solid State Communications 300: 113696, 2019.

(3) L. Qiu, Z. Liu, F. Pan. Entanglement purification of noisy two-qutrit states via environment measurement. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 57: 301–310, 2018.

(4) Z. Liu, L. Qiu, F. Pan. Enhancing quantum coherence and quantum Fisher information by quantum partially collapsing measurements. Quantum Information Processing 16: 109, 2017.

(5) L. Qiu, D.X. Quan, F. Pan, Z. Liu. Skew information in the XY model with staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Physica B 514: 13-18, 2017.

(6) L. Qiu, Z. Liu. Hierarchy, factorization law of two measurement-induced nonlocalities and their performances in quantum phase transition. Quantum Information Processing 15: 2053–2065, 2016.

(7) L. Qiu, F. Pan, Z. Liu. Tripartite Bell-type inequalities for quantum coherence and skew information. International Journal of Quantum Information. 15(4): 1750025, 2017.

(8) F. Pan, L. Qiu, Z. Liu. The complementarity relations of quantum coherence in quantum information processing. Scientific Reports 7:43919, 2016.

(9) Z. Liu, L. Qiu. Quantum storage in a hybrid system with a photonic molecule and a diamond nitrogen vacancy center. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 55: 3788–3797, 2016.

(8) L. Qiu, G. Tang, X. Yang, A. Wang. Enhancing teleportation fidelity by means of weak measurements or reversal. Annals of Physics, 350: 137-145, 2014.

(9) L. Qiu, G. Tang, X. Yang, Z. Xun, B. Ye, A. Wang. Sudden change of quantum discord in qutrit-qutrit system under depolarising noise. International Journal of Theoretical Physics53: 2769–2777, 2014

(10) L. Qiu, G. Tang, X. Yang, A. Wang. Relating tripartite quantum discord with multisite entanglement and their performance in the one-dimensional anisotropic XXZ model. Europhysics Letters105: 30005 1-6, 2014.

(11) L. Qiu, B. Ye. Thermal quantum and total correlations in Spin-1 bipartite system. Chinese Physics B 23(5): 050304 1-7, 2014.

(12) L. Qiu. Quantum correlations in a two-qubit Heisenberg XX Model under intrinsic decoherence. Communication in Theoretical Physics (Beijing, China)60: 391-396, 2013.

(13) L. Qiu, G. Tang, K. Han, X. Yang, Y. Wu, B. Ye. Quantum discord for a central two-qubit system coupled to an XY spin chain with multipartite interaction, Physica E46: 218-223, 2012.

(14) L. Qiu. Quantum correlations at finite temperature. International Journal of Quantum Information10: 1250027 1-11, 2012.

(15) L. Qiu. Dynamics of nonclassical correlation in Interacting qubits under correlated dissipative environments. Chinese Physics Letters28: 110301 1-4, 2011.

(16) L. Qiu. A. Wang. Quantum discord for a central two-qubit system coupled to an XY spin chain with Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya interaction. Physica Scripta84: 045021 1-6, 2011.

(17) L. Qiu. Quantum information processing through a genuine five-qubit entangled state in cavity QED. Quantum Information Processing9: 643–662, 2010.

(18) L. Qiu, Y. Wu, A. Wang. The transfer of entanglement and Bell-nonlocality from system to environment. Optics Communications283: 3548-3552, 2010.


(1) 中国矿业大学百佳本科教学教师奖,2019.11; 2018.11; 2013.11

(2) 中国矿业大学青年教师讲课比赛,二等奖;2018.7

(3) “汇知杯江苏省高校第八届基础物理教师上好一堂课竞赛,三等奖;2013.5

(4) 中国矿业大学最受学生欢迎的教师奖,全校7人;2013.1

(5) 2013年校级优秀毕业论文指导老师;2013.6;指导的09级光信专业本科生毕业论文中1人获得校级优秀毕业论文;2013.6