

李泳志,女,山西阳泉人,中共党员,西北大学,合成与天然功能分子化学教育部重点实验室,主要研究方向为新型金属有机框架材料的制备及其在气体吸附分离、荧光传感、二氧化碳的催化转化、电化学储能领域的研究。已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Eng. J., J. Mater. Chem. A, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,Sens. Actuators B Chem., Chem. Commun., Inorg. Chem. Front., Chem. Eur. J., Sep. Purif. Technol.等国际知名高水平学术期刊发表SCI论文30篇,其中第一/共一作者12篇,第一通讯作者2篇,其中3篇论文入选ESI1%高被引论文。


  ●2021.11-至今 中国矿业大学,材料与物理学院,讲师;

  ●2018.09-2021. 06 西北大学,无机化学,博士;

  ●2015.09-2018. 06 西北大学,材料化学,硕士;


  1. Yong-Zhi Li, Gang-Ding Wang, Li-Na Ma, Lei Hou, Yao-Yu Wang, Zhonghua Zhu. Efficient gas separation and vapor adsorption driven by a porous MOF with two types of tubular channels, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 4102-4109.

  2. Yong-Zhi Li, Gang-Ding Wang, Wen-Juan Shi, Lei Hou, Yao-Yu Wang, Zhonghua Zhu. Efficient C2Hn Hydrocarbons and VOC Adsorption and Separation in an MOF with Lewis Basic and Acidic Decorated Active Sites, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 41785-41793.  

  3. Yong-Zhi Li, Gang-Ding Wang, Lei Hou, Yao-Yu Wang, Zhonghua Zhu. A Dy6-Clusters Based fcu-MOF with Efficient Separation of C2H2/C2H4 and Seelective Adsorption of Benzene, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 8, 376-382.

  4. Yong-Zhi Li, Gang-Ding Wang, Hong-Yun Yang, Lei Hou, Yao-Yu Wang, Zhonghua Zhu, Novel cage-like MOF for gas separation, CO2 conversion and selective adsorption of an organic dye, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 7, 746-755. (ESI1%高被引论文).

  5. Yong-Zhi Li, Hai‐Hua Wang, Hong-Yun Yang, Lei Hou, Yao-Yu Wang, Zhonghua Zhu, An Uncommon Carboxyl‐Decorated Metal-Organic Framework with Selective Gas Adsorption and Catalytic Conversion of  CO2, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2017, 24, 865-871. (ESI1%高被引论文)

  6. Gang-DingWang,‡Yong-Zhi Li,‡ Wen-Juan Shi, Lei Hou, Yao-Yu Wang, A robust cluster-based Eu-MOF as multi-functional fluorescence sensor for detection of antibiotics and pesticides in water, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 331,129377. (ESI1%被引论文)

  7. Wen-Juan Shi, Yong-Zhi Li,*Jing Chen, Run-Han Su, Lei Hou,*Yao-Yu Wang, Zhonghua ZhuA new metal-organic framework based on rare [Zn4F4] cores for efficient separation of C2H2, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 12788-12791.


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